Meet Wherever Jill Works

Teaching affiliate marketing to struggling affiliates!

My Story

At the end of 2021, I started my journey into affiliate marketing. For the first six months, I felt like I was swimming upstream. I was getting nowhere fast.

I didn't know what I was looking for, but I knew I needed help to be successful with my online business. Finding the right program with the right coach or mentor was the key. There is no stopping me now!

Other Places To Find Me:

This table shows you all the other places you can find me, follow me, and consume my content to learn for free...

Facebook Group

Come hang out with other people who are on the same journey as you are and ask questions in a low pressure environment. It's free to join.

TikTok Channel

Stay up to date with my freshest content posted daily. Also, be sure to catch my live Q&A sessions.


Follow my YouTube to communicate with me directly. It's also where you can find me as a backup in case something happens to TikTok.

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