About Me

My Story...

My Story

Thank you for spending some time with me. I appreciate you being here. So you want to know about me. I grew up in Vermont, just outside of Burlington, in a small village. I went to college in southern New Hampshire and never looked back. I am 54 years old, and at this point in my life, I wanted more freedom to move around and create my own future.

At the end of 2021, I was looking to add a little extra to my retirement, but in the journey to accomplish this, my goals changed! My little side hustle turned into an entire business, and I am hooked on affiliate marketing. My journey has not been a straight line. I have had my ups and downs, but along the way I have met some of the most amazing people in my life and I have tapped into my own personal strength. Had you told me this is where I would end up, i would have told you, you were out of your mind!

I began my affiliate marketing journey in the same way that most people do: I purchased a $7 course and became obsessed with learning more! I began with some additional training outside of that course and discovered a community I enjoyed. Despite the fact that the community has closed, I remain friends with many of the people from that community. I had the fundamentals down, but I wasn't having much luck.

Finding your way in the world of affiliate marketing isn't easy. There are so many different ways to do affiliate marketing that you learn that you need to find the program that will fit you, not the other way around. There are no right or wrong answers, but with the right coach and their guidance, you can build the business you want.

I landed in a training course that was a good fit for me thanks to the recommendation of one of the women in my original community. I ended up in Group Juice. Their specific coaching style was a perfect fit for me. They worked with me, pushed me when I needed it, and eventually matched me with my business partner. We came together to form Thee Vibe Tribe. The Vibe Tribe masterclass walks you through the strategies we used to start seeing success and growing our communities.

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