The Wherever Jill Works Blog

Affiliate Marketing, Mindset, Entrepreneur

5 Affiliate Marketing Mindset Hacks to Help You Succeed

January 26, 20233 min read


If you're just starting out in affiliate marketing, you're probably feeling a little overwhelmed. It's hard to know where to even begin!

Getting your mindset right is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success. Here are 5 hacks to help you get into the right frame of mind.

Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, Mindset, Entrepreneur

Don't Be Afraid to Put Yourself Out There

If you're an online entrepreneur, you know that it's important to put yourself out there. But sometimes it can be tough to take that leap. You might be afraid of what people will think or of sounding silly.

Well, don't worry—we've all been there. And luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to help you get over your fear.

First, remember that you're not alone. There are lots of other entrepreneurs out there who are just as scared as you are. So don't be afraid to reach out for help and advice.

Second, remember that it's okay to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and that's how you learn and grow.

And finally, remember that it's OK to be yourself. Don't try to be someone else—you'll only end up frustrated and unhappy. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Be Prepared for Rejection

When you're starting out in affiliate marketing, you have to be prepared for rejection. Unfortunately, there will be times when people just don't want to buy what you're selling, no matter how good it is.

It's important to stay positive and keep your head up during these times. Remember, there are plenty of other people who may be interested in what you're selling. Just because one person said no doesn't mean that everyone will.

Be Persistent and Don't Give Up

It's not going to be easy. In fact, it's going to be really hard. But you can't give up. You have to be persistent and keep going, no matter what.

There will be times when you feel like you're not making any progress and that everything is against you. but don't let that get you down. Just keep pushing forward and don't give up.

Believe in Yourself and Your Products

Now that you have your business off the ground, it's time to start believing in yourself and your products. This is probably the most important mindset hack of all, because if you don't believe in your product, no one else will. So start thinking of your business as the best thing since sliced bread (or whatever the current trendy thing is), and people will start to take notice.

Another way to ingrain this belief in yourself is to talk about your product as if it's already a success. When you talk about your business, use verbs like "I have," "I create," and "I sell." This will help you to actually start believing that your business is successful, and it will also help to attract other successful people and opportunities into your life.

Be Patient, It Takes Time to See Results

Ok, we're getting close to the end of our list, but this is a really important one. Patience is one of the most difficult mindset challenges for online entrepreneurs. It's so easy to get caught up in the hype of online business and start expecting immediate results. But let me tell you, that's not how this sh*t works.

Building an online business takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts and no magic bullets. So if you're just starting out, be prepared to put in the hard work and wait for the payoff. It might take a few months—or even years—but eventually you will see results if you stay the course.


Congratulations on starting your own affiliate marketing business! It can be tough to get started, but with the right mindset, you can make a lot of progress. Here are five hacks to help you stay positive and motivated:

1. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

2. Be persistent and don't give up.

3. Celebrate your successes.

4. Acknowledge your failures and learn from them.

5. Stay positive and optimistic.

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